Thursday, 12 May 2011

Caution! Paracetamol resulted Cancer

In the preliminary study by researchers at the U.S., it is known that the use of aspirin can indeed reduce the risk of death from colon cancer, but it could increase the risk of stomach bleeding. It was not clear whether the bleeding was due to blood cancer or hematology.
A recent study shows many groups taking a pain reliever paracetamol, and acetaminophen increase the risk of blood cancer.

"Previously only a little evidence to confirm that aspirin lowered the risk of hematologic cancer (related to blood)," said Emily White, a researcher in the field of cancer.

Researchers say, in individual cases there are indeed links the consumption of pain medication with increased risk of cancer. But such individual studies are not considered scientific proof before been studied in large populations in the long term.

"Our study is highly prospective," White said, although he could not conclude analgesic drugs cause cancer.

In his research, White and his team followed more than 65,000 elderly men and women in the State of Washington, USA. Respondents were asked about their eating habits pain medication in the past 10 years and they certainly do not suffer from cancer, except skin cancer.

Six years since the beginning of the study, 577 people or less than one percent of cancer involving blood cells, such as lymphoma.

More than 9% of people suffering from cancer was used pain reliever acetaminophen compared with five percent of people who also eat, but do not have cancer.

Then, after considering the factors of age, arthritis, and family history of suffering from blood cancer, turned out to people who take pain medication in the long run two times greater risk of suffering from cancer.

"People over the age of 50 years have an increased risk of blood cancer in 10 years. However, if you are taking acetaminophen at least four times a week for a minimum of four years, earlier cancer risk will increase to two percent," said White.

In this study, found no association between other analgesics such as ibuprofen and aspirin.

Dr. Raymond DuBois, cancer prevention expert, said, acetaminophen or paracetamol work differently compared with other analgesic drugs that have different effects on cancer.

"However, it remains surprising that the use of acetaminophen increases the risk of blood cancer," he said.

Meanwhile, manufacturers are producing Tylenol, pain reliever acetaminophen, did not respond to the results of this research.

White also said it was too early to make recommendations related to the results of this research. Still, he said there was no pain medication that is free from side effects.

"Long-term use counter medicines are causing harmful effects," said White.

Want Longevity? Have Working friend

Those who have good relationships with colleagues can live longer.
Mingle with fellow workers not only good to support the office atmosphere, but also helps to live longer. Based on research at Tel Aviv University in Israel, a longer life expectancy related to a working system that can reduce stress.

As reported by the Daily Mail, psychologists have found that one of the secrets of living a long life is to have good relationships with coworkers.

In their research, they involve 820 workers for 20 years. Of all participants, only 53 people who died during the study period. In addition to examining the health records of participants, they also questioned the role of each participant in the workplace, and relationship with coworkers.

After eliminating the mortality risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and serious illness that diidap participants, the researchers found that those who have good relationships with colleagues can live longer.

American Psychological Association says, those who have a longer life expectancy is a participant with co-workers were friendly and very helpful to their work. "How good participant in the socializing is a strong indicator to determine the risk of death," said the researchers.

The study, published in the journal Health Psychology found that men who have positions and the higher authorities to live longer than women who have high authority.

According to the researchers, is due to more male-dominated jobs. Again, it explains why women managers find it more difficult to have good relations with men in one company than male managers.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Breastfeeding Prevent Child So Liar

Fatty acid content in breast milk important for brain development.
A study found other benefits of mother's milk provides newborns. Infants who were breastfed for at least four months early in life prevent the baby from bad behavior in the future. 

Oxford University scientists examined the health and behavior of almost 10,000 mothers and their children for five years. 

The study found, children who were breastfed for four months or more have a calmer behavior. Breast-fed babies also socialize better with other children at the age of five years. 

Behavioral problems that often occur in babies fed infant formula (bottle) in the study include hyperactivity, anxiety and restlessness, and the trend of stealing and lying. 

However, 30 percent of babies who drank milk also still might have a bad temperament. The researchers estimate, there are other factors that also affect children's behavior such as time spent with their parents at home. 

Mary Quigley public health expert who led the study, stating the reasons. "Could be, breast milk nutrients such as fatty acids increase the growth of brain cells," he said as quoted by The Sun. 

Quigley added, although not yet know the exact benefits of breastfeeding, he estimates that breast milk is not only a physical effect on the baby. But it is also closely associated with long-term mental health. To learn more, need no further research on the relationship of breastfeeding to the child's behavior. 
Quigley said the necessary support to the mother during breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is known to prevent infection, and reduce the risk of diseases such as asthma and eczema. The process of breastfeeding also form a bond between mother and child. 
In Indonesia, the Ministry of Health called for the woman who gave birth to breastfeed their babies for at least six months and continued up to two years. But for various reasons such as work or lack of breastfeeding, many mothers who breastfeed exclusively for three months. Afterwards, they combine breastfeeding with formula milk.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Free of Diabetes, Set Sleep Patterns?

Adequacy of sleep for someone very influential on health. The study claimed that lack of sleep can raise blood sugar that lead to diabetes

A recent study meyimpulkan, and enough quality sleep can help stabilize blood sugar. That is why people with diabetes are advised arranging his sleeping patterns.

In the journal Diabetes Care, researchers from the University of Chicago reveals, people with diabetes who have poor sleep patterns have higher glucose levels and more difficult to control the disease.

The researchers compared 40 patients with diabetes mellitus with 531 healthy people. The researchers wanted to know the potential link between quality of sleep, blood sugar levels and other markers that show diabtes controlled.

"We found in people with diabetes, there is a link between poor sleep quality with a high blood sugar levels. The link that we do not get in people without diabetes," said one researcher, Kristen Knutson.

In his research, Knutson monitor the sleep of the respondents to mount the monitor that is placed in the hands of the activity. "When a lot of hand-driven means being awake," he said. The respondents also reported their sleep quality.

The team found that people with diabetes who experience sleep disorders have a fasting blood sugar levels 23% higher fasting insulin levels 48% higher and insulin resistance 82% higher compared with patients with diabetes but normal sleep patterns.

Responding to the results of this research, Dr.Joel Zonszein, director of Clinical Diabetic Center, in New York, USA, said the link between glucose levels and sleep patterns like 'egg and chicken'.

"It is difficult to determine whether high blood sugar levels caused by poor sleep quality or patients who have high glucose levels are not able to sleep well, or there are other causes," said Zonszein.

He also mentioned, people with diabetes are usually obese and overweight would interfere with sleep quality. Obesity is also associated with sleep apnea or stopped breathing briefly during sleep.

However Zonszein and Knutson agreed, diabetics should pay more attention to sleep patterns. "Reducing stress is one way to get a sound sleep," added Zonszein.

Unique story behind the tasty cheese

Departing from the Middle East region, the cheese was originally produced from sheep or goat milk.

Hearing foods contain cheese, your mind might drift to imagine modern snack-snack like pizza, pasta, cake, or a burger. Although attached to the variety of modern foods, cheese has been there since thousands of years before Christ.

The archaeologists found evidence of the emergence of cheese from the milk of sheep and goats at 8,000 years before Christ. Various references to the cheese also appears in Ancient Greek and Roman mythology.

Although there was no strong evidence about the history of cheese, some studies mention the cheese originated from the Middle East region. Cheese is created as a way to preserve milk, especially during hot weather. From there, the cheese roam all over the world.

It comes with different variants, the main ingredients remain the cheese milk. No longer relying on sheep or goat milk, cheese manufacturers began to develop a cheese from cow's milk. Milk producers in Mongolia even use horse milk for making cheese.

Many interesting things about cheese. Here are five of information about cheese that you may not know, as quoted from page AskMen:

1 U.S. producer of the largest cheese
According to figures from 2006, the United States provides nearly 30 percent of the cheese product. Nearly four million metric tons of total production.

Second most expensive cheese from Sweden
The most expensive cheese in the world is made from milk of three types of deer, namely Gullan, Haelga and Juna who lived in a small farm in Bjursholm, Sweden. The workers have to work more than two hours to milk the deer are. And, of milk production only in certain months each year. About 0.5 kilograms of cheese from the milk is valued around U.S. $ 500 or Rp4, 3 million.

3 France is not the biggest consumer of cheese
According to the last survey in 2003, Greece which is the world's largest cheese consumers. Citizens consume about 30 kilograms of cheese each year. France is in the order of the 2nd with the consumption level of approximately 24 kilograms per person.

4 Cheddar is the most popular cheese
Cheddar name comes from a small region in Somersetshire, England. However, this type of cheese can be found all over the world. It was delicious with the scent is not too sharp cheddar made suitable for any cuisine.

5 There is a cheese made from breast milk
Le Petit Singly is one of the cheese producers in France who use material from breast milk, donated by a number of women giving birth. Cheese from milk producers claim that their products are rich in vitamins and has a taste more special. In New York, some chefs also began to develop this type of cheese.

Salt Danger Controversy

Many say salt bad for health. Other studies mention less salt trigger death.

You may often hear that a lot of salt consumption can adversely affect the body. However, a study says that reducing salt kontorversial can actually increase the risk of death from heart attack and stroke.

The findings showed that those who consume little salt, about one teaspoon per day, showed no positive effects on health. This than those who ate more salt. Those who ate less salt actually a higher risk of death from heart disease.

The study also found that salt intake on average did not increase the likelihood of high blood pressure. The study involved 3681 healthy women and men in Europe, with a range of age 60 years.

As reported by the Daily Mail site, research conducted during the eight years measured levels of sodium in the urine at the beginning and end of the study.

Those who consume less salt have a death risk 56 percent higher for heart attack or stroke, than those who consume more. This figure appears without ignoring other risk-enhancing factors such as obesity, cholesterol levels, smoking, and diabetes.

There were 50 deaths of respondents who have the lowest salinity, 24 death of respondents with intake moderate, and 10 deaths with a high intake.

The results of this study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Released three months after the U.S. government launched a health campaign urging restaurants and food manufacturers to reduce salt usage.

"We do not support reductions of salt intake since the results of this research community," Jan said Staessen, lead researcher and Head of the Laboratory of Hypertension at the University of Leuven, Belgium.

However, scientists did not provide further details on the results of their research. They only speculate that low levels of salt in the body can trigger panic nervous system, increased sensitivity to insulin, and hormones affect blood pressure control and sodium absorption.

The study clearly reap the controversy. Some experts noted that people should still eat a little salt. The study included disanksikan because only people with normal blood pressure and young and relatively healthy.

While previous studies support the intake of salt reduction campaign, involving people with high blood pressure, aging, obesity and tend to react negatively if you eat lots of salt. Many studies suggest that salt bad for your body.

Antioxidants in Coffee

Caffeine is a source of antioxidants that you can consume each day.

For those who have the habit of drinking coffee is ready today, you will receive an additional intake of antioxidants. The study, published in ACS 'The Journal of Physical Chemistry B shows, antioxidant-rich coffee.

As reported by the, researchers conducted in-depth analysis to determine how caffeine in tea, coffee, and other foods protect the body from Alzheimer's and heart disease risk in the basic level.

The two researchers, Annia Galano and Jorge Rafael León-Carmona, describing the evidence which shows that coffee is one source of antioxidants that can be consumed every day. Some points showed that, caffeine is also contained in tea and chocolate.
However, researchers did not explain details about the workings of caffeine cleaning free radicals in the body. Researchers just trying to make a detailed theoretical calculation of the interaction between free radicals and caffeine.
Showed only a theoretical conclusion, the consistency of the results of research, whether conducted on animals and other experiments, that caffeine is a source of antioxidants in coffee.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Dangers of Bathing in Hot Water can lead to Heart Failure

Soak in hot water during cold weather is comfortable. Based on recent studies, these habits can lead to fatal. Heart failure lurks the owner of this habit.
The study team of researchers who dipimpim Chika Nishiyama of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine School of Nursing is revealed, the case of heart failure while bathing increases 10-fold in winter than summer.
This fact is important for Japanese society, given that most people love a hot bath for hours in order to calm down after a busy activity.
In Japan, many people long hot shower because the traditional Japanese house not closed properly like a house in the West. "In addition, the heater is rarely used," said Nishiyama. As quoted by the Straits Times.
Nishiyama and his team used data from 2005 to 2007 11,000 cases of heart failure in western Osaka prefecture as a basis for study. Based on that data, 22% of cases occur in sleep and 9%, while in the shower. About 3% of heart failure while working on the move and 0.5% while exercising.
Known, as many as 54 cases of heart failure occurred in 10 million people while bathing. Then, 10 cases out of 10 million people occurred during exercise.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Overcome The Cold Without Medication

Erratic weather as happened recently, not infrequently makes the body vulnerable to colds. Especially if you're middle-intensive activity.
Various factors such as tiredness, viruses and stress is a factor that most often cause infection of the throat and nose which resulted in the emergence of symptoms of colds such as blocked nose, throat hoarse and head feels dizzy.
Of course it can interfere with daily activities, especially for those who have a busy schedule. However, do not worry, you can use some simple things to restore the vitality of the body. One key is to take advantage of time off. According to the Water Author Healer Magic, Herminia de Guzman-Ladion, when you've got a cold, you try to stay home and rest. because it worked when cold will result in severe pain for your add.Moreover, your friend will appreciate you to limit the spread of the virus.
Once you have determined to stay at home, then the next step, you actually takes the time to sleep to the fullest. So the body will get new energy. Such redemption of the body of excess labor.
But remember, when you memtuskan rest, do not touch food that contains sugar like cakes, ice cream and more. The content of sugar in the blood will lower your body resistance against infections. Instead you are advised to consume fruits, juice or juice.
In addition, multiply the consumption of water. If under normal conditions you consume 6 to 8 glasses a day and then when the cold then you should increase water consumption up to 10 cups. Water can wash away the virus from your body in various forms such as sweat and urine.
Colds are a symptom of a disease that has stages of throat, head and chest. But it is not sequential stages. It could be your first hit on the head or throat.
If your first hit in the throat, then you can gargle with hot salt solution to alleviate the symptoms. You just prepare segela hot water (80 degrees Celsius) and half a teaspoon of salt. Then the salt solution in hot water and gargle for five minutes. After that you are advised not to drink cold water. Do it 3 times a day.
If you're gargling salt solution, then you prepare a handkerchief that had been soaked in cold water then put it in a flannel cloth and then wrap the neck as when compressing the head.
However, if you are suffering from a cold that started with a headache that is not less painful, you need to do is
soak the foot by using hot water. That way the blood will pass into the head so that it can relieve tightness.
inhaling hot steam. you need to prepare, among others, a newspaper or cardboard, then cook the water by using a pan or pot. Then hold the paper folds that make up the pipe with a pot or kettle. By inhaling steam, nasal congestion will disappear. How it can be done after soaking the feet.
If you're less lucky hit on the chest with cold symptoms cough and fever. So the use of heat on the chest will help you. The way is easy, do as you did in the throat.
First wash cloth with hot water, then prepare a towel to cover your chest. Then put the cloth was washed water and above the chest and then cover with a towel. Allow to heat loss. If you need to do this three times before bed. When finished, rinse with a towel.Then advised to go to sleep.
But within a week you have not healed. Then it occurred to other symptoms that are suspect then immediately contact a doctor.

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Beware of Brain Cancer

Persistent headaches, prolonged and chronic may be early symptoms of brain cancer. If you feel it, watch out for symptoms and see a doctor immediately an expert. Brain cancer did not 'sebeken' other cancers, such as cervical cancer or breast cancer. However, like most cancers in general, brain cancer is a disease is silent (silent killer) is dangerous.
Because of its nature, the brain cancer is often detected only after entering an advanced stage. If the pain in the head has peaked, there is a possibility, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body (metastasis). If it were so, cancer treatment becomes more complicated and risky.
"Therefore, people need to do early detection of brain cancer," advises Fielda Djuita, radiology specialist Hospital Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Centre Siloam Hospitals Semanggi, Jakarta.
Like most cancers, early diagnosis and treatment is key to recovery. Treatment of late husband's dance of cancer cells will spread and get into all the tissues of the brain and can eventually cause death. 

Symptoms and risk factors

Brain cancer has no symptoms. Signs of brain cancer depend on the location of the cancer attack. Seizures, loss of balance, blurred vision, difficulty speaking, dizziness, loss of eyesight and hearing could be signs of symptoms of brain cancer.

Although not all the signs and symptoms typical of brain cancer, but you should be wary if often experience one or several disorders such as mentioned above.

Meanwhile, There are several factors that cause brain cancer risk. When the family history there has ever affected by this disease, then you have a risk.

In addition, continuous exposure of certain chemicals may increase cancer risk. A smoker is also exposed to higher risk of this disease than nonsmokers. Another risk factor is race. Brain cancer is more common in the white race.

Brain cancer treatment

With early detection, tumor progression toward malignant cancer cells can be prevented. Although, patients with advanced cancer is still likely to recover.

Now, with advanced medical equipment owned by a number of hospitals in the country, you no longer need medical treatment abroad, such as Singapore or China, two countries which has been the favorite destination of cancer patients from Indonesia.

Fielda Djuita explain Several hospitals in Indonesia already has a sophisticated infrastructure and facilities for cancer.

Some equipment, such as Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography (PET-CT) and radiation therapy equipment Linear Accelerator, can now be enjoyed by patients in hospitals nationwide. Two tools really support cancer disease management.

PET-CT machine is useful to increase accuracy of assessment of doctors in assessing the condition of a tumor is benign or malignant. In practice, the patient will be injected with liquid sugar (glucose) containing radiation within normal levels.

Subsequently, the patient is scanned with the PET-CT. As a result, site or location of a malignant tumor will glow brightly. Therefore, malignant tumor cells require energy sources such as glucose to mutate.

Now we know the location and nature of the tumor in the patient's body, medical experts who deal with cancer disease will be a discussion. Another aim was to find the right strategy for patients is it still necessary retest or extra action is needed because the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

In fact, continued Hendra, after going through the process of removal of any cancer, the patient still had to check through the PET-CT machine. The goal is to find out whether cancer cells or keloids have been lost from the body of the patient after surgery.

After PET-CT equipment, doctors can take action using the Linear Accelator. This tool serves to illuminate the body part that became the site of cancer. Irradiation performed for three minutes. During irradiation, the patient is not sedated.

Typically, said Fielda, pediatric patients with cancer will get about 25 times the radiation. While irradiating the adult brain cancer patients conducted by more than 30 times. "The doctor can combine between surgery with radiation when the cancer sites are soft and vital organs like the brain," he said.

Linear Accelator tool is quite important for cancer treatment. Therefore, the accuracy of this instrument illumination is high enough, so they can minimize brain cell death that is still healthy.

"There is a system called On Board Imaging (OBI). The system can increase accuracy because it can illuminate the site in position 360 degrees," said Fielda.

The size of tumor or cancer that can be illuminated with this tool, usually, in the top 3 centimeters (cm). If less than 3 cm, the appointment process can be performed with an instrument called a Gamma Knife. The goal is to remove the cancer as much as possible and minimize the risk of loss of brain function.

Friday, 29 April 2011

how to Maintain the Stamina to Keep Fit

Most of the people of Indonesia is a hard worker, so much need more stamina. Any way you do to keep your stamina?

1.    Consumption of nutritious foods and adequate vitamin and fiber
2.    Adequate rest and quality
3.    Adequate exercise and avoid smoking drug apalai
4.    Unkfod and avoid consumption of instant food
5.    Drink milk to strengthen bones
6.    Do not bury the problem and hatred
7.    Do not do the job drain excessive body and mind
8.    Love and learn to accept life with sincerity
9.    Menyanyagi fellow and improve the quality of faith
10.  Eating-nutritious foods (4 healthy 5 perfect)
11.  Get used to sleeping / resting elbow (6-7 hours per day)
12.  Diligent exercise routine reply (to strengthen the body)
13.  Avoid the use of illegal drugs (narcotics, etc.)
14.  Do not smoke and drink alcoholic beverages, due to your health, especially heart membhayakan
15.  Make it a habit to talk with others (sharing) when faced with a problem, to reduce the occurrence of stress

How to keep healthy teeth

Healthy teeth are clean teeth without a hole. So with a good dental care and regular as already explained earlier. If there is a hollow tooth, immediately patched. It must always sehat.Apa only tooth decay that occurs because of the food / drink? Foods such as chocolate and sticky sweet like lunkhead if not promptly brushed / mouth will be left behind and causing tooth decay. Also drinks like tea, coffee, soft drinks (coca-cola etc), and cigarettes can cause a thin layer of the tooth called the stain so that the color of the teeth become dull, brownish. Stain the rough layer is easily attached by the remnants of food and germs, which eventually form a plaque, if not cleaned will harden and become tartar (calculus) and can spread to the roots of teeth. Consequently teeth bleed easily, easy teeth wobbly and easily dated. Can also occur abscess or swelling in the tooth. Better after eating / drinking that has been mentioned earlier we rinse or brush your teeth

Pro golfer Targets Diabetes in Indian Communities

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Professional golfer Notah Begay III is fighting the growing problem of diabetes among Native-American youth, saying the disease could ultimately cost tribes their future leaders if nothing is done.
Begay took his wellness message to the airwaves Friday during the national Native America Calling radio program and in a television show that was broadcast via satellite to students in nearly 200 schools across Indian Country.
Part Navajo and part pueblo Indian, the 38-year-old golfer said diabetes has become an epidemic among his people but he wants people to know it's a disease that can be prevented.
"We're in a fight, literally, to save our kids' lives," he told The Associated Press in an interview. "The reassuring thing about this entire thing is that this is a fight we can win, but it's not going to come without some monumental change."
Native Americans are more than twice as likely to have diabetes compared with other groups, and they are three times more likely to die from the disease, according to the Indian Health Service.
Another troubling statistic is the percentage of Indian youth who have the disease has increase by more than two-thirds in just a decade, according to the agency.
Begay knows the statistics, and he doesn't have to look far to see that they are real.

His mother gives herself shots every morning, and one of his cousins lost her foot to complications of the disease.
"It's not a beautiful outcome when you contract this," he said during the radio program. "So the thing that drives me most is that it's preventable. I couldn't tell you how to prevent cancer. I can't tell you how to prevent leukemia. Type 2 diabetes, I guarantee you I can help you prevent that."
A four-time PGA Tour winner, Begay is issuing a challenge to Indian youth to follow his example by exercising every day and eating healthy.
The challenge is part of the work being done by the golfer's charity, the NB3 Foundation, which has a goal of fighting obesity and diabetes among Native-American youth. The foundation is developing programs aimed specifically at helping native youth and at encouraging more tribal leaders to set an example.
Begay, a graduate of Stanford and a three-time All-American, is also getting help from some of his friends in the sporting world.
PGA Tour stars Tiger Woods and Rickie Fowler will tee up alongside NFL quarterbacks Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys and Sam Bradford of the St. Louis Rams in the Notah Begay Challenge this summer in New York.
The best-ball shootout is the foundation's chief fundraiser. The event has raised more than $1 million in each of the past two years.
Begay's efforts are known across Indian Country, as evidenced by the calls coming in to the radio station Friday morning. He heard from listeners from New Mexico all the way to South Dakota.
The golfer said one of the keys to fighting diabetes and getting Native Americans more active is heightening awareness, whether it's through celebrity or big events like the golf tournament.
"We're not trying to win a popularity contest," he acknowledged. "We're trying to save lives. When our kids are dying at younger ages, we're losing our future leaders and we're also losing the carriers of the tradition and the culture who are supposed to push that forward for us."
Begay thinks about his 3-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son. Their reality, he said, is more vegetables, salads, hardly any sugar, and no sodas.
"That's in effect what we're trying to do — create a new reality for our young kids, a reality of hope," he said.
For Begay, his busy schedule of interviews, meetings, golf clinics and practice doesn't stand in the way of him finding a half-hour for yoga and exercise. Sometimes, that exercise comes in the form of walking 5 miles to finish a game of 18 holes.
One radio caller suggested Begay "step it up" and carry his own clubs. Begay smiled and said he just might have to do that.
Begay is gearing up for a busy tournament schedule in Canada. His goal is to return to full-time status on the PGA Tour by next year.
"I think I still have some good golfing years left in me," he said.

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