Monday, 9 May 2011

Unique story behind the tasty cheese

Departing from the Middle East region, the cheese was originally produced from sheep or goat milk.

Hearing foods contain cheese, your mind might drift to imagine modern snack-snack like pizza, pasta, cake, or a burger. Although attached to the variety of modern foods, cheese has been there since thousands of years before Christ.

The archaeologists found evidence of the emergence of cheese from the milk of sheep and goats at 8,000 years before Christ. Various references to the cheese also appears in Ancient Greek and Roman mythology.

Although there was no strong evidence about the history of cheese, some studies mention the cheese originated from the Middle East region. Cheese is created as a way to preserve milk, especially during hot weather. From there, the cheese roam all over the world.

It comes with different variants, the main ingredients remain the cheese milk. No longer relying on sheep or goat milk, cheese manufacturers began to develop a cheese from cow's milk. Milk producers in Mongolia even use horse milk for making cheese.

Many interesting things about cheese. Here are five of information about cheese that you may not know, as quoted from page AskMen:

1 U.S. producer of the largest cheese
According to figures from 2006, the United States provides nearly 30 percent of the cheese product. Nearly four million metric tons of total production.

Second most expensive cheese from Sweden
The most expensive cheese in the world is made from milk of three types of deer, namely Gullan, Haelga and Juna who lived in a small farm in Bjursholm, Sweden. The workers have to work more than two hours to milk the deer are. And, of milk production only in certain months each year. About 0.5 kilograms of cheese from the milk is valued around U.S. $ 500 or Rp4, 3 million.

3 France is not the biggest consumer of cheese
According to the last survey in 2003, Greece which is the world's largest cheese consumers. Citizens consume about 30 kilograms of cheese each year. France is in the order of the 2nd with the consumption level of approximately 24 kilograms per person.

4 Cheddar is the most popular cheese
Cheddar name comes from a small region in Somersetshire, England. However, this type of cheese can be found all over the world. It was delicious with the scent is not too sharp cheddar made suitable for any cuisine.

5 There is a cheese made from breast milk
Le Petit Singly is one of the cheese producers in France who use material from breast milk, donated by a number of women giving birth. Cheese from milk producers claim that their products are rich in vitamins and has a taste more special. In New York, some chefs also began to develop this type of cheese.


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